Submission - Government

Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 2:13-14 KJV

13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

Today’s lesson will continue to speak on “submission”. We started with the highest level of “submission” which is “submission to God” now we will look at “submission” to those in authority over the land. This is another place that repeating the thought that “submission” is not agreement must be mentioned. If you agree with everything your city council establishes for your city that would be unusual and no “submission” would be necessary, just simply obey their ordinances that you agree with. Next, however, you will need to analyze all the state laws and ordinances to see if “submission” is necessary because chances are that some things they require from the citizens of the state are not in your best interest. Moreover, if you are like most people we agree with certain laws of the state but disagree with other laws. Question: The established laws and ordinances (already active) we disagree with should we protest? The correct answer is “no” because Acts 19:38-39 KJV teaches us that any changes to a law should be done in a lawful manner (orderly according to the legal process, petition the courts where applicable). This scripture reads, “Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a matter against any man, the law is open, and there are deputies: let them implead one another. But if ye enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly.” Therefore protesting against those in authority or protesting against certain business or even your neighbor is not encouraged in the Holy Bible because there is plenty of ungodly and unlawful things that happened to the prophets, apostles and even our precious Lord Jesus Christ but they did not protest instead they prayed and followed the leading of the Lord God. Please understand that the leaders in America closely monitor protesting but their tolerance for it doesn’t make it right in the sight of God. We can recall the Children of Israel protested against Moses and Aaron several times and things didn’t go well for the protesters. Protesting is the result of people taking matters into their own hands. Yes, many Christians as born-again children of God don’t trust in God to be their personal deliverance over problems they see in the world today. Oh Beloved Child of God turn your eyes away from the world’s system of wickedness, don’t partake of their world many schemes, don’t have confidence in a world of man-made rules built on flesh ruled selfish acts but instead focus your attention on God’s Word to clearly see the Will of God your Father in the Light of Jesus Christ. It is amazing to us (ihlcc) that so many Christians are expecting deliverance from the problems in the world through the governing authorities in the world. Yes, and when those governing authorities make decisions against the Holy Word of God they protest. Yes, when current government officials speak something against their personal beliefs, again they protest loudly to the public first instead of praying softly to God privately, which should be first. Follow our thinking to appreciate the wisdom we are attempting to share because many, we say, many believers will not see it. In today’s society people aren’t protesting with large sign like back in older times. In today’s world people protest by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and many more media platforms. People don’t think that their opposition to government is wrong they rather believe in freedom of speech. Yes, we do have some freedom of speech but that specific freedom is not a license to sin with your mouth. Yes we went there, explain to us why Jesus (God) said in Matthew 12:35-37 KJV that speaking idle (unprofitable) words is evil and The Lord discouraged His Children from talking evil when you were created a good man or woman in His Image and Likeness. Remember these verses, “ A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Please notice that Jesus said by your words your actions shall be justified (right, just, founded upon the Word of God) or by your same word you shall be condemned (guilty of evil, judged according to your wickedness, rejected by God). Surely whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. If you judge others you shall be judged by others. Yes, we know this is coming across strong but we dare not water down the truth. Behold Matthew 7:1-3 KJV which states, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” Why would our all wise teacher Jesus give us specific directions on not being judgmental? The Lord knew many of His children would fall into the trap of the devil by speaking evil against those in authority or even worst speaking evil against their fellow brethren in Christ. Yes, church members against other church members, Body of Christ members against other parts of the Body of Christ. Yes, Republicans against Democrats and Democrats offended by Republicans what know you not a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Many Christians lacking the humbleness to see any good in the other people they bite and devour one another with no remorse or regard for God’s Merciful Love or His Saving Grace. Killing swiftly with their tongues not understanding they that which do such thing are wounding the Body of Jesus (The Body of Christ) causing much pain to God and their fellow man. Yes, we have imposed (elevated) the conversation to the national level where we don’t believe you agree with everything our President and the national governing officials do, you learn to “submit” by keeping your tongue knowing that public (verbal) disapproval with blatant opposition is sinning with your mouth. Yes, we are stating tolerance is not “submission” because “submission” requires a humble heart that acknowledges that the person in authority is loved by God, the position they hold over this land includes me and my family so it is better for me to believe the best about them and continue to pray for their wellbeing and understanding, including salvation where necessary. If we would be humble enough to approach God openly and honestly we would find out sometimes the problem isn’t with the governing official but rather with ourselves because we just don’t know everything like God does. Some laws and ordinances are passed solely because a person in congress has personally dealt with an unfavorable circumstance, so their zeal to establish a certain bill might seem unnecessary to the common American citizen. The point is whatever we don’t agree with concerning our governing officials should be prayed over first petitioning God for His help and divine intervention, not protested publically via social media, and secondly we must be committed to “humble godly submission” in heart instead of complaint, critic and idle conversations about other people whom the Lord Jesus and our Father God love. As Christians are we not called to pray for those who come against us and bless our enemies? Yes, indeed! As Believers in the Body of Christ should we not choose “love (acceptance)” over hate (division) because by your love for all people they will know that you are a Christian?-Refer to John 13:35 We should be wise enough to love the person who needs Jesus while not approving of the sinful actions of sinners. Our prayer is, “Forgive them Oh Lord for they know not what they are doing.” Since God is always willing to forgive shouldn’t we be willing to forgive also. So be faithful to “submit unto those in authority over you” because ultimately all those over you have our Father God over them whether they realize it or not they are all accountable to a Higher Power. Yes, they are accountable even to the most Highest Supreme Power of God. Amen!